Chris Wigan

Chris set up Flying Fantastic in 2011 with his wife Edel. He's been a budding aerialist for nearly a decade now, but still occasionally struggles with his 'upside down left' and his 'real left!' He's still as passionate about it now as when he attended his first class in Buenos Aires in 2008.

Chris spent most of his childhood playing sports ranging from Taekwondo through to Darts (Is that even a sport?), but believes none of the above even comes close to Aerial work when it comes to fitness. Classes where you're constantly learning, having fun, meeting people and getting fit whilst you do it... what's not like?

When he's not in the air...

After over 20 years in the Graphic Design and advertising business, Chris decided to step away from the Mac, put down the mouse and try his hand at being a Ringmaster – one of his childhood ambitions. Touch wood, it was the right decision, though he still enjoys a good chat about typefaces every now and again.

Chris lives in the woods in Surrey with his lovely wife and three daughters - all of whom are worryingly into Aerial Arts already! (But maybe that's not that surprising when the house is full of trapezes and crash mats!) 

Contact Chris

Chris Wigan